Ministries of Westland
We are blessed to have a great children’s program. Children’s Sunday School classes start at 9 a.m. and are located in the Sunday School Wing. During worship, which begins at 10 a.m., we invite our children to the front for a Children's Moment, where they will be led in a short, interactive devotional. The first Sunday of each month, our children lead us in a song they have been practicing during Sunday School, and afterward they collect a change offering for their special mission projects.
Youth Sunday School takes place at 9 a.m. in the Sunday School Wing. There are also opportunities throughout the week for youth Bible studies, fellowship, and small groups, as well as monthly youth worship nights.
Choir and Handbells
The Music Ministry at Westland Church is a vital part of our worship to God every week. Each Sunday morning service features a combination of the praise band, chancel choir, handbell group, and the children’s choir.
Food Pantry
We have a fully stocked food pantry that is open on Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 7:15 or by appointment
Senior Adults
Senior adults meet once a month for food and fellowship.
Young Adults
Young adults meet regularly to study the Bible and fellowship.
Bible Studies
We have a variety of Bible studies for adults including a Men's bible study that meets twice a month.